Thursday, January 31, 2008

I forgot what a tog is, but I'll never forget you.

Somebody read my blog.


You may leave comments, but keep it content-free. And cryptic.

In the year 1892, Jon Smith landed in America and invented colors. At first, he only invented three colors - Red, White, and Blue - which thus became the colors of the American flag (Canadians, impatient, made their flag before blue was finished). Soon, it was discovered that by combining these colors in just the right quantities, one could create the sound of horns, hot bass lines, and switch the downbeat and the upbeat. And thus the age of big pimpin' arrived. The next year, Ben Franklin discovered electricity, creating the color yellow. Then Ben Franklin was bitten by a radioactive Mexican wrestler, which caused him to grow big and powerful, creating the color green, which allowed for such innovations as Godzilla, frogs, and green tea, which had previously been colored purple.